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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The Last Day of School

Today is the last day of school for my friend's daughter Shianne. I'm certain she is excited for summer, the family trip to Disney World and her upcoming birthday party. But the end of the school year is a bit of a disappointment for me. For the past several months, I have had the privilege of being a travel agent for Flat Stanley. (And I did a damn good job if I say so myself.) Shianne's Stanley (and clones of Stanley) went all over. He headed out to Connecticut to visit WTNH. My friend is an anchor person there and he showed Stanley the ropes! My brother and sister-in-law took him to Nashville for Easter Break, my co-worker Rhonda sent him to the Artic Circle with her husband and my nephew took him vacationing in Hawaii. To be honest, I think the adults have had at least as much fun, if not more fun, than the kids with this project.

If you ever have the opportunity to befriend Flat Stanley, do it! It will change your life.

Thank you Jeff Brown and Dale Hubert for the joy and education you bring! Are you curious now? Check it out . . .

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