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Thursday, May 10, 2007

What do I want to be when I grow up?

I have been unemployed since January 11, 2007, and I am going nuts! However, I find when I think about finding a job that I am nervous. I worked for Citibank for 17 years and now, I look at the opportunities for employment and part of me wonders - can I do it?

You know, I was always told, "if you are a good employee at Citibank, you will be an exceptional employee anywhere else". Not to sound arrogant, but I know I was an excellent employee at Citibank. I was dependable, I was flexible and I was willing to step up. But, I knew the Citi World. It wasn't as scary as the unknown. Well, I have a few more months to reconcile this. Until we have settled into a permanent location, all I can do is try to determine what I want to do. There has been some serious consideration to returning to school. There are so many opportunities for advanced education in this area but before I spend that kind of money, (according to the news MN tuition has increased 30% over the past 5 years or so), I need to determine what I want to be when I grow up.

When I first headed off to school, all I wanted to be was a teacher. Unfortunately, this did not work out for a number or reasons. I had zero encouragement from home, my financial situation did not support the student teaching requirement and eventually, I surrendered to a Business Administration degree. So, from teaching keyboarding, accounting/bookkeeping and basic business classes, I ended up performing the skills I intended to teach. If I would become a teacher today, I think I would much rather focus on something that has always interested me and is now important to more than just a select group of people - ethnic studies. In correlation with this area, I think I would like to educate young people about Geography. I am ashamed to admit it, but most of my geographical knowledge has been acquired in my adult years. I know, there are so many things I still do not know, but I can tell you that Egypt is an African country and Siberia truly exists. (It's not just the area by JoEllen where the "problem employees" are banished to.)

Then, there is the segment that I truly enjoy, that could almost be considered a hobby of mine while working for Citibank. Fundraising and Non-profit agencies. It is really rewarding to make a difference in the community and see your efforts benefit others.

During the next few months of "limbo", I will be reviewing my options. If any of you would like to offer your suggestions, I would be more than happy to hear what you have to say. There are many situations where an outside opinion is helpful.


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