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Friday, June 20, 2008

Granny glasses rock!

On Monday I picked up my new glasses from the optometrist and along with them a "rite of passage" to old age. My glasses are not only equipped with a stronger prescription but thanks to Carl Zeiss, my new RX is housed in "progressive lenses" (formerly known as bifocals). As a result, I can see clearly now the vanity is gone! It's funny -- I have been covering my grey hair with dye for years, I buy expensive Estee Lauder products for my face to try and prolong the inevitable wrinkles, and I had absolutely no problem with turning 40. But the bifocal thing, I felt the need to put that off as long as possible. The eye doctor at my previous visit told me I was "right on the fence". Well, that was a couple of years ago and I think during that time, I fell over the fence and trotted toward the neighbor's.

All I can say now is - I LOVE MY PROGRESSIVE LENSES. My days of imitating Stretch Armstrong in order to read cooking directions or expiration dates on coupons are done. There for awhile I thought my arm was going to be long enough to drag my knuckles on the ground.

Oh, and just a note about the terminology -- when I was "on the fence" I was chatting with my co-worker Ruth about needing bifocals in the near future. With a smile and a bit of a chuckle she said to me "aren't they calling them 'progressive lenses' these days?" In all honesty, I thought she was teaching me some slang. So off I trotted with my hip new terminology. I seriously thought the phrase 'progressive lenses' was a spin technique to remove the "old age" stigma from the term 'bifocals'. That was in 2006. Can you imagine my surprise when I ordered my new glasses and found out that 'Progressive Lenses' is the ACTUAL name of the product. I walked out of the doctor's office feeling blonder than The Girls Next Door.
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